- 1-20 Unbelievers and hypocrites reproved
- 21-38 Exhortation to the worship of the true God
- 39-102 Jews and Christians urged to accept the claim of Muhammad to be a prophet of God
- 102-112 The opposition of Jews and Christians to Muhammad’s prophetic pretensions combated
- 113 The doctrine of abrogation enunciated
- 115 A Qibla declared to be redundant
- 116-141The Jews denounced and the religion of Abraham declared to be the true Islam
- 142-153 The Jews finally abandoned and the Arabs accepted by the adoption of Makkah as the Qibla of Islam
- 154-163 The Bereaved friends of those slain at the Battle of Badr comforted
- 164-172 Makkans exhorted to faith in God, and directed to observe the law respecting forbidden meats
- 173-176 Law concerning lawful and unlawful food (delivered at Madina)
- 177 The sum of Muslim duty
- 178-179 The law of retaliation
- 180-182 The law concerning bequests
- 183-185 The law concerning fasting
- 186-187 The fast of Ramadan
- 188-202 The pilgrimage to Makkah and war for the faith
- 203-206 Hypocrites and true believers contrasted
- 207-208 Exhortation to a hearty acceptance of Islam
- 209 The doom of infidels pronounced
- 210-212 The Jews reproached
- 213 Suffering to be patiently endured
- 214-242 Sundry laws relating to almsgiving, war, wine, orphans etc.
- 243-253 The duty of warring in defence of religion enjoined by precept, and illustrated by the history of former prophets
- 255 The Throne Verse
- 256-257 Laa ikraha fid deen.
- 258-260 The doctrine of the resurrection illustrated
- 261-274 Exhortation and encouragement to almsgiving
- 275-277 Usury forbidden
- 278-283 Debts in Islam including the longest verse in the Quran
- 284-286 The three verses of Paradise. [10]
Theme and subject matter
1-7 God-fearing rewarded, Unbelievers reproved
8-20 The hypocrites
1) Nifaq in belief: outwardly showing belief however in reality there is no belief[16]
26 Commences with ۞[17] (rubʿ al-ḥizb), an Islamic symbol.
87-105 is preserved in the Ṣan‘ā’1 lower text.[18]
255 "The Throne Verse"
256 No compulsion in religion
282 "Verse of Loan and Women's testimony"
Moses is referenced several times in Al-Baqara :
- Appraisals of Moses: Q2:136
- The prophet whom God spoke to: Q2:253
- The Torah: Q2:41-44; 2:53; 2:87
- Moses' miracle: Q2:56, Q2:60, Q2:92, Q2:211
- Moses and the Pharaoh
- Travel to the Promised Land
- Refusal of the Israelites: Q2:246-249
- Attributes of the Israelites: Q2:41-44; 2:55-59; 2:61-71; 2:74-76; 2:83; 2:93-6; 2:100-101; 2:104; 2:108; 2:140-142; 2:246-249
See also

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একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন
ওয়েলফশন মানবকল্যাণ সংঘ যা বিশ্বের কল্যাণকামী মানুষের সম্মিলিত সংগঠন।
যার লক্ষ্য কল্যাণকামীদের একত্রিত করা,শিক্ষা অনুরাগী, কল্যাণ অনুরাগী, জ্ঞান অনুরাগী এবং কল্যাণের জন্য একতাবদ্ধ হতে আকাঙ্ক্ষীদের নিয়ে সততা ও ন্যায়নিষ্ঠার সাথে একতাবদ্ধ হয়ে মানবতার কল্যাণে কাজ করে, সুন্দর সমাজ গড়া। শিক্ষা সচেতনতার প্রচার করা। বিশ্বে শিক্ষা, সততা ও কল্যাণের প্রসার এবং উন্নয়নের মাধ্যমে মানুষের জীবন মানের উন্নয়ন ঘটানো ওয়েলফশনের প্রধান লক্ষ ।